Ahl-i Haqq and the Kurdish Devil-Worshipers


“I had a Persian friend in Tehran, an avant-garde playwright and member of a sect called Ahl-i-Haqq (‘People of Truth’ or ‘People of God,’ ‘haqq’ being a divine name) who traveled to the valley of the Satan-worshippers in the mid-1970s.

A Kurdish sect influenced by extreme Shi’ism, Sufism, Iranian gnosticism, and native shamanism, the Ahl-i Haqq consists of a number of subgroups, most of whose adherents are non-literate peasants.  With no Sacred Book to unite these subgroups in their remote valleys, they often developed widely divergent versions of the Ahl-i Haqq myths and teachings.  One subgroup venerates Satan.  I know of almost nothing written about the Shaitan-parastiyyan or ‘Satan-worshippers,’ and not much has been done of the Ahl-i Haqq in general.  Many secrets remain unknown to outsiders.

The Tehran Ahl-i Haqq were lead by a Kurdish pir, Ustad Nur Ali Elahi, a great musician and teacher.  Some old-fashioned Ahl-i Haqq considered him a renegade because he revealed secrets to outsiders, i.e., non-Kurds, and even published them in books.  When my friend asked him about the Satan-worshippers, however, Elahi gently rebuffed him:  ‘Don’t worry about Shaitan; worry about the shay-ye tan‘ (literally ‘the thing of the body,’ the carnal soul, the separative ego).  My friend ignored this doubtless good advice, and with his brother set off for Kurdestan in their Land Rover.

… At last they were there – and their little caravan was met by a dozen or so long-tressed tribesmen in traditional Kurdish costume: baggy pants, turbans, guns.  Scowling fiercely they greeted the brothers thus:

‘Ya! Zat-i Shaitan!’ – Hail, O Essence of Satan!

Compared with the thrill of that moment the rest of the trip proved anticlimactic.  The villagers had long ago given up banditry (they said), and naturally there was no evidence of nocturnal perversion.  Abjectly poor, they possessed nothing so exotic as a pig or a flagon of wine.  As for their religion, they professed to know virtually nothing about it; either they were protecting secrets from outsiders, or they had really forgotten almost everything.  Considerable knowledge can be lost in a nonliterate society devoted to secrecy and cut off from the world; leaders can die without passing on certain details, and whole villages, stricken by disease or drought, can perish or disperse and vanish.

No doubt the devil worshippers knew more than they told my friends, but in the end they seemed no more sinister than any other group of mountain Kurds, a generally noble-hearted and hospitable people when not engaged in blood-feuds, vendettas, or guerrila warfare.

What, however, is the ‘essence of Satan’?  In a book devoted to the teachings of Ustad Elahi, Satan is said to exist, bound and powerless, a mere fallen angel.  Moreover, ‘apart from man, evil does not exist in nature … the ‘devil’ is simply the way that the domineering self … expresses itself in us. … The story of Satan was over long ago; it only concerns God and him.’  In other words, the Koranic version of the Temptation and Fall (very similar to that of Genesis) is literally true, but irrelevant.  The Satan from whom all believers ‘take refuge’ in prayer is, in truth, a projection of their own spiritual imperfection.  Needless to say, this is not orthodox Islam or the opinion of most Sufis; it is, however, a very interesting resolution to a very thorny theological problem.”

– P. L. Wilson – Iblis:  The Black Light (Satanism in Islam)

Looking for Lilith


The following excerpts reflect a traditional Jewish perspective on scholarship pertinent to Lilith, including a critique of the Alphabet of  Jesus Ben Sira, the text from which most Western readers derive the story of Lilith as the first wife of Adam.

“Lilith is a character who appears in passing in the Talmud and in rabbinical folklore. She is a figure of evil, a female demon who seduces men and threatens babies and women in childbirth. She is described as having long hair and wings (Erub. 100b; Nid. 24b). It is said that she seizes men who sleep in a house alone, like a succubus (Shab. 151b). She is also mentioned in midrashim and kabbalistic works, in which she is considered to be the mother of demons. Her name probably comes from the Hebrew word for night (laila). She is similar to and probably based on a pagan demon named Lulu or Lilu that appears in Gilgamesh and other Sumerian and Babylonian folklore.

In recent years, some women have tried to reinvent Lilith, turning her into a role model for women who do not accept male domination or a rival goddess to the traditions that they think are too male-biased. For example, a number of female musical artists participated a concert tour called “Lilith Fair” a few years ago, and the name “Lilith” was clearly chosen to represent female empowerment.

This revisionist view of Lilith is based primarily on a work called the Alphabet of Ben Sira, which portrays Lilith as Adam’s first wife who was rejected because she wanted to be on top during sexual intercourse. Lilith was replaced with Eve, a more submissive second wife. … Many modern commentators describe this as part of the Talmud or midrash, or at least a traditional Jewish source, and claim that this story reflects the traditional rabbinical understanding of the roles of men and women. Feminists reject the negative characterization of Lilith’s actions in this story. They claim Lilith was a hero who was demonized by male-chauvinist rabbis who did not want women to have any sexual power.

Actually, Ben Sira is a much later medieval work of questionable authorship. Ben Sira appears to be a satire or parody, possibly even an antisemitic one. It tells many stories about biblical characters envisioned in non-traditional, often unflattering ways, often with slapstick humor at the expense of traditional heroes. Frankly, to treat Ben Sira as a reflection of traditional Jewish thought is like treating Cervantes’ Don Quixote as a treatise on chivalry, or Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles as a documentary of the American West.”

Judaism 101: The Role of Women


“The feminist critique of conventional values has not overlooked the Jewish tradition. Whether or not one acknowledges the validity of all the charges that have been leveled against the treatment of women in Jewish law and theology, it is hardly possible to ignore these issues.

As one who is normally sympathetic with feminist aspirations, I have often been disappointed with the scholarly standards of the debate, especially when it has been directed towards the classical texts of Judaism. In the course of polemical ideological exchanges, I find too frequently that sweeping generalizations are being supported by flimsy or questionable evidence, with a disturbing disregard for factual accuracy and historical context.

As an example of this sort of scholarly sloppiness, I wish to discuss an intriguing Hebrew legend that has found its way into dozens of recent works about Jewish attitudes towards women.

The legend in question was inspired by the Bible’s dual accounts of the creation of the first woman, which led its author to the conclusion that Adam had a first wife before his marriage to Eve. Adam’s original mate was the demonic Lilith who had been fashioned, just like her male counterpart, from the dust of the earth. Lilith insisted from the outset on equal treatment, a fact which caused constant friction between the couple. Eventually the frustrated Lilith used her magical powers to fly away from her spouse. At Adam’s urging, God dispatched three angels to negotiate her return. When these angels made threats against Lilith’s demonic descendants, she countered that she would prey eternally upon newborn human babies, who could be saved only by invoking the protection of the three angels. In the end Lilith stood her ground and never returned to her husband.

The story implies that when Eve was afterwards fashioned out of Adam’s rib (symbolic of her subjection to him), this was to serve as an antidote to Lilith’s short-lived attempt at egalitarianism. Here, declare the feminists matronizingly, we have a clear statement of the Rabbinic Attitude Towards Women!

There is only one slight problem with this theory: The story of Lilith is not actually found in any authentic Rabbinic tradition. Although it is repeatedly cited as a “Rabbinic legend” or a “midrash,” it is not recorded in any ancient Jewish text!

The tale of Lilith originates in a medieval work called “the Alphabet of Ben-Sira,” a work whose relationship to the conventional streams of Judaism is, to say the least, problematic.

The unknown author of this work has filled it with many elements that seem designed to upset the sensibilities of traditional Jews. In particular, the heroes of the Bible and Talmud are frequently portrayed in the most perverse colours. Thus, the book’s protagonist, Ben-Sira, is said to have issued from an incestuous union between the prophet Jeremiah and his daughter. Joshua is described as a buffoon too fat to ride a horse. King David comes across as a heartless and spiteful figure who secretly delights in the death of his son Absalom, while putting on a disingenuous public display of grief. The book is consistently sounding the praises of hypocritical and insincere behaviour.

So shocking and abhorrent are some of the contents of “the Alphabet of Ben-Sira” that modern scholars have been at a loss to explain why anyone would have written such a book. Some see it as an impious digest of risqué folk-tales. Others have suggested that it was a polemical broadside aimed at Christians, Karaites, or some other opposing movement. I personally would not rule out the possibility that it was actually an anti-Jewish satire–though, to be sure, it did come to be accepted by the Jewish mystics of medieval Germany; and amulets to fend off the vengeful Lilith became an essential protection for newborn infants in many Jewish communities.

Eventually the tale of Lilith was included in a popular English-language compendium of Rabbinic legend, and some uncritical readers–unable or unwilling to check after the editor’s sources–cited it as a representative Rabbinic statement on the topic. As tends to happen in such instances, subsequent authors kept copying from one another until the original error turned into an unchallenged historical fact.

Certainly there are volumes of real texts and traditions that could benefit from a searching and critical feminist analysis, and it is a shame to focus so much intellectual energy on a dubious and uncharacteristic legend of this sort.”

– Eliezer Segal, Looking for Lilith

The Book of Dagon – Al Nimlu Kirtag (The Red Scroll) and Al Schera Kirtag (The Black Scroll)

dagonbyvelvetcatDagon by velvetcat

The following excerpts are taken from the Book of Dagon, an ancient document whose roots trace back to Ancient Assyria. It contains references to human sacrifice and graphic violence, and is not recommended for readers of weak constitution. I have included the introduction so that you may read the translated invocation with the proper context in mind.


The Book of Dagon is unique document written by priests of an Ancient Assyria in XV B.C.

Today members of Vermilion Brotherhood unsuccessfully try to blame this writing as fiction of the late medieval times. They come supported with propaganda of some false organizations and have only one goal – to arouse and strengthen distrust to really useful knowledge of Black Practice.However, the fact that original document, preserved in the library of Gallia Congregation of the Great Black Lodge, was written on oil- paper but not on clay tablets, it can not be strong argument for those, who try to dispute the ancient origin of this book. It’s not a secrete that late Sumerian civilization spent its time in degradation. So that it can explain how clay tablets became most popular things for writings instead of coil-paper parchment. The last one was usually used for writings of business and calculations. Nevertheless, parchment was often used by Sumerian priests for writing some magical signs, and as a result it might be that in last centuries of Sumerian civilization parchment begot some sacred meaning and later it was forbidden to write and depict on parchment everything except magical information. It’s clear that such a hypothesis doesn’t disprove possibility of someone person used oil- paper for writing some document such as The Book of Dagon.

Next problem that disturbs to acknowledge the authenticity of this ancient document is its true title that probably was lost or maybe that was not given at all. We’ll try to explain this situation. This Book consists of two parts titled in early akkadian dialect Al Nimlu Kirtag – The Red Scroll and Al Shchera Kirtag – The Black Scroll. The first part tells about the formulas and recipes of Forbidden Boundless Demonolatria, and second one looks like some sinister\ominous chronicle – tale of adventure of the King Rakasaul ruler of the land Mot – the land that by statements of Fon Yuntz is not mythical but actual and that is situated in Central America. Interrelation between population of this land and of some high developed ancient civilization of Eurasian continent was not impossible.

The Book of Dagon was given by Dutchman Jeremiah Van-Meier, who lived in Holland in times of Spanish occupation. He was first European occultist addicted and devoted to traditions of Sorcery and worship of Elders and Ancient Ones. He found this rarity when traveling through the Palestine.

Now about the language of this book. As there was a difference between methods of sacred and business information, so the language of priests could not be identical to average citizens. It’s known that Assur, Embodiment of the Beast, founder of an Ancient Assyrian Kingdom, granted to his tribe the alphabet UBRASH of 343 signs. It was lost in time, because some symbols were used seldom and only by the most dedicated and devoted people. Usually priests used about seventy signs to make up even very complicated texts and formulas. These signs are the base of alphabet NAHAR, and the rest of signs were used as prefixes, intanacles etc. So language of Red and Black Scrolls is based on the alphabet NAHAR.

Latin translation, made by Van-Meier from original document, was preserved in library of Genoa Company merchant Willem Lazarus. As the result, this document along with original text was found by Abbot Bartholomew. Later both texts appeared in Oaksford and came to the hands of Black Lodge during Johann Kellenheims pontificate in 1904.

We introduce you translation from Latin and original version. All translations by N.S.T. of G.B.L.

Al Nimlu Kirtag
The Red Scroll

Invocation to the Goddess Akmarru Before the beginning of ceremony:


Hymn to destroy the fetters:
It was written from the words of the priest Haru Ashvatt by his ancestor Ebbu Stagforru Ammannim during the reign of the Black Sun, Source of Prosperity, His Magesty Beltamarush Savasroh under some special circumstances.



Who will open mouths
oozing with bloody slime
anticipating the satiation
is it You, Mistress, reigning in a
day of Mercury
is it You, invincible Demoness
Devour my children
I’m kneeled before you
Kill my wife
I’m kneeled before you
Kill my mother
I’m kneeled before you
But let mortals,
whose faces covered with dirt will
knell before you
Your name, Mistress, uncover me
Then I’ll be free
Blessed be you

Al Schera Kirtag
“The Black Scroll”

Canticle I

Horror cloaked the earth with bloody shroud
From North to South, from East to West.
From the edge of distant lands doom shall come.
For the stone has risen.
And a Shell has blown the sound.
Sting of horror – thus is her voice.
Formless comes – who will survive?
Shall the flesh withstand the forces of El-Giyah?

Canticle II

I, Rakasaul, King of the land of Mot, was sitting in throne hall of my palace and looking at the Sun. It was noon and gates of the palace were opened wide.
And then I’ve seen sunlight grew dim, and some one like black shade stood at the doors. And I was very amazed of that vision.
Then phantom said: “Don’t be amazed, King, but listen to me. At sunset you go to the shore of the sea, and if you do as I say you will know some great secret”.
After these words, phantom got heaving and then he fell to pieces turned to heap of black dust. And the air was full of very stench.
And I’ve followed his words. I went to the sea at sunset and stood close to the water. So I stood, and my servant and three warriors stood along with me.
When the sun was set, waters of the sea got boiling and big waves raised and swallowed all my people, so that I stood alone.
Then waters got split and lady has come out of the sea. She was not looking like women living on the earth, but like special and strange. Her eyes were as of the dead, her hair was long, and she was crowned with diadem as a queen and her legs were poisonous serpents.

And she said:

Listen to me, King. You should know that father of your father was not quite of human kind, for his mother originally was begotten by Great Fish. So that you are foredoomed to know some great secrets which are cursed and forsaken by gods of this world and which are forbidden for all people. But you should step on the path that leads to the Abode of ancient Gods, and you will get the wisdom that is hidden now in External Gloom, and you will live in the Palace of Eight copper Towers, and you
will know all secrets of thrown to the Abyss. Then you have to go home, and come back tomorrow and call me when the sun is set. My name is Neshiartnam. I am the sister and wife of the King of Serpents.

Next sunset I, Rakasaul, stood on the shore and summoned Neshiartnam calling her name. It was a name of deity. And tribe also called her Nzheg, and she was Shapattu Nskallaim Ammalinreqstavatt.

When the sun was set and the sea has become brown, waters got split and Neshiartnam has come out of  the sea and said: “Listen to me, King. Now you go to your palace and come back along with your son of three years”. The way was not long. So I’ve done as she said. And Neshiartnam Nzheg has come out of the sea again then took my son and ate him. And she said: “Now let me your daughter who is fourteen years old”. So I’ve done as she said. When the virgin was standing before her eyes she smothered and ate her. And she said: “Now let me your pregnant wife and be hurry”. I’ve done the will of Neshiartnam and let her my five seven months pregnant. Neshiartnam Nzheg has come out of the sea and tore the foetus out from the womb. She did it by her hands with claws and webs. Then she ate the child and drank the blood of his mother and she was satisfied with it.

Then she extracted the serpent from her vagina, tore its body to two pieces and wrote the spell upon the leafs of shell that she gave to me later and said:”When the Mercury is raised in Pisces, and unseen planet Khab sends its rays that skin of slaves and ignoble people itch from and they shall piss and defecate on the streets and warriors shall beat them with swards in wrath, you go to the Rof mountain that is called the Great one and standing on the top read the spell written on the first leaf.
And I went in right hour to that place two days and two nights, and then I’ve got the top of the mountain I’ve read the spell. Phantom I’ve seen before in my temple has come to me and I asked him:” I’ve seen three signs on my way. First one was a griffon with bite of carrion in its beak circling above my head and spreading the stench; second one was an ounce gnawing the throat of murdered warrior on narrow path; third sign was unknown fire in second night between two hills there are the graves of the foreigners. On You, Who Come Two Ways of Darkness. Tell me, should I expect a guest soon?”

And phantom answered me:” You understand right, King. You should meet the One, Who is much more Worse than Doom, in the deep of Nuf vale when the Moon is dead. His name is Lord of Quaking Mist, and when hearing his name men, elders and children die in sufferings and wombs of pregnant yawns before time. Now you go to the top of Kafvu Alsag and read the spell written by wife of the Serpents King on the second leaf. There you’ll behold black rainbow from end to end of sky and the he will come – the One, Who Precedes. He will show you the way to the goal.”

After these words phantom disappeared.

I went to Kafvu Alsag and I’ve got its top and read second spell. Then I’ve seen black rainbow of nine lines. Firs line was sparkling, second one – burning, third one – crying as a child, fourth – roaring as a beast, fifth line was looking like a metal, sixth – like a stone, seventh – clotted blood, eighth line was like death and ninth was an Unspeakable Horror. And the One Who Precedes has come to me. And then He said:

“Here are Nsarah Amalhassit Nuo fire and wind,
storm Arushesaar Tu earth and death.
We burn heaven with fire
In the dead of night (in the heart of night) we bury them under the soil
For we built the tower.
We set the lake on the edge of the rock.
And a cave there death is hidden.
Six angles are in the basement of the pit.
Our hand filled the gorges with corpses.
We send the ravens and vultures as our heralds.”

And then I asked Him:
Oh Sapnurasah, The Star of The Underworld. Tell me how can I prepare the way for the Lord os Quaking Mist?

And He answered me:
“Listen to me and do that I say.
Pave with skulls the road in the heart of the desert from the edge of sunset.
And dig the pit in that place as deep that you could not see the bottom. Then choose some wives of your tribe and captured and slaves.
Kill them all and, take their hearts and eyes and throw into the pit.
Make the star around the pit with dead bodies.
Star should be of one hundred and twelve rays, and each ray is three days walk length.
Hole of the pit is one night walk around.
Hen you choose some young men of your tribe and captured and slaves, some women and children to four years old and some white camels. Fill the pit with their bodies.
Block the pit up with big stones and let your best archers stay close to it and their number should be about two thousands.
And when griffons and vultures circle around the pit let your archers shoot them,
and you should trample dead vultures and cry: “not for you I prepared the feast”.
You should do it sixteen days and in seventeenth come to the pit in royal garments.
You need a crown of pure gold and a stone Heod that sets the silver aflame.
And cry aloud:
“Come forth, Oh Lord of the Quaking Mist. Come forth, Oh Delight of Burned Souls”.
Now you order to gather one hundred captured warriors and give them swards. Let they kill each other, till the one stay alive. Hang him inside the bell molded of pure copper. To hand him use the loop made of virgins hair.

And when storm wind shall blow it shall murder every one standing around and alive.
And you will see the look of the Lord of the Quaking Mist that throws everything into the boundless Ruination. And the path of death shall be opened.
So then you take the arrow of pure gold and loose it against the wind blowing from the North.
Your foot steps on the path to the land where sky looks like black mirror.
When bloody tears wash away your steps you listen to the word of stones.
Listen their dumb voice and you will come through the Quaking Mist to the city where tower spires pierced the sky till the stars.
Take a look and erase one hundred of thousands names from the stone.
Right after you did it the door shall be opened as fire that licks the flesh.
Then, taking your leave of the earth, you curse the way and enter.”

Lilith the Seductress


“In the following passages Lilith is revealed in her role as succubus. Her job in this guise is to sleep with men (which they experience as wet dreams), or otherwise collect their semen. Then she becomes pregnant from them and bears demonic children. This process begins with Adam who attempts celibacy for a period of time. That separation from his wife leaves him vulnerable to Lilith (and aamah, who functions similarly). There may, in this, be an underlying invective against the practice of celibacy as part of religious dedication. Celibacy was obviously a part of Christianity at the time and the story teller may hope to prevent its catching on in Jewish circles. Lilith may also collect semen even from the marriage bed, though. The sage must be careful to ensure that she is denied access to the bedroom through both proper modesty and the performance of prophylactic rituals.

Naamah, like Lilith, is a demon-seductress. In that sense their roles appear identical. Naamah, however, doesn’t have Lilith’s baby-stealer(/corrupter) role.

Zohar 3:76b-77a
For 130 years Adam kept separate from his wife and did not beget. After Cain killed Abel, Adam did not want to copulate with his wife. Rabbi Yose said: “From the hour in which death was decreed upon him and upon the whole world, he said ‘Why should I beget children for terror?’ and instantly separated from his wife.”

And two female spirits [Lilith and Naamah] would come and copulate with him and bear children. and those whom they bore are the evil spirits of the world who are called the Plagues of Mankind. And they lead the sons of man astray, and dwell in the doorway of the house, and in the cisterns and in the latrines…. But if the holy name Shaddai with supernal crowns is found in the doorway of a man’s house, they all flee and go away from there.

And we have learned that in the hour in which man descended to the earth in the supernal image, in the image of the Holy One, and the higher and lower beings saw him, they all approached him and proclaimed him king over this world. After the Serpent mounted Eve and injected filth into her, she gave birth to Cain. From thence descended all the wicked generations in the world. And the abode of demons and spirits is from there and from his side. Therefore, all the spirits and demons have one half from man below, and the other half from the angels of the supernal realm. Thereafter Adam begot on those spirits daughters who are the beauty of those above and those below. And all went astray after them. And there was one male who came into the world from the spirit of Cain’s side, and they called Tubal-Cain. And a female came forth with him, and the creatures went astray after her, and her name was Naamah. From her issued other spirits and demons. and they hover in the air and tell things to those others found below. And this Tubal-Cain brought weapons of killing into the world. And this Naamah became aroused and adhered to her [evil] side. And to this day she exists, and her abode is among the waves of the great sea. And she comes forth, and makes sport with the sons of man, and becomes hot from them in the dream, in that desire which a man has, and she clings to him, and she takes the desire and from it she conceives and brings forth other kinds [of spirits] into the world. And those children whom she bears from the sons of man come to the women, and they conceive from them and bear spirits. And all of them go to Lilith the Ancient, and she rears them …

And she goes out into the world and seeks her children. And she sees the sons of man and clings to them, in order to kill them, and to become absorbed into the souls of the children of the sons of man, and she goes off with that child. But three holy spirits arrive there and fly before her and take that child from her and place him before the Holy One, blessed be He, and there he studies before Him. Therefore the Tora warns, Be sacred (Lev. 19:2). If a man is holy, he is not harmed by her, for the Holy One, blessed be He, orders those three holy angels whom we have mentioned, and they guard that child, and she cannot harm him. But if a man is not holy, and draws a spirit from the impure side, then she comes and makes sport with that child, and when she kills him she penetrates that soul [which departs from the child] and never leaves it …

At times it happens that Naamah goes forth into the world to become hot from the sons of man, and a man finds himself in a connection of lust with her, and he awakens from his sleep and takes hold of his wife and lies with her. And this desire comes from that lust which he had in his dream. Then the child that she begets comes from the side of Naamah, for the man was driven by his lust for her. And when Lilith comes and sees that child, she knows what happened, and she ties herself to him and brings him up like all those other sons of Naamah. And she is with him many times, but does not kill him. This is the man who becomes blemished on every New Moon, for she never gives him up. For month after month, when the moon becomes renewed in the world Lilith comes forth and visits all those whom she brings up, and makes sport with them, and therefore that person is blemished at that time.”

Zohar Sitrei Torah 1:147b-148b

Jacob’s Journey
Jacob had entered this gateway to faith.
Adhering to that faith, he had to be tested
in the same place his fathers had been tested,
entering in peace and emerging in peace.
Adam entered but was not careful.
Seduced by her, he sinned with that whore of a woman,
the primordial serpent.

Noah entered but was not careful.
Seduced by her, he sinned as well,
as it is written: He drank of the wine and became drunk
and uncovered himself within his tent (Gen. 9:21)

Abraham entered and emerged,
as it is written:
And Abram went down to Egypt…
And Abram came up from Egypt (Gen. 12:10, 13:1)

Isaac entered and emerged,
as it is written: Isaac went to Abimelech, king of the Philistines, in Gerar…
From there he went up to Be’er Sheva (Gen 26:1, 23)

Jacob, having entered into faith,
had to continue and probe the other side.
For one who is saved from there is a loved one,
a chosen one of the Blessed Holy One.
What is written?
Jacob left Be’er Sheva
the secret of the mystery of faith,
and set out for Haran
the side of the woman of whoredom, the adulteress.

The secret of secrets:
Out of the scorching noon of Isaac,
out of the dregs of wine,
a fungus emerged, a cluster,
male and female together,
red as a rose,
expanding in many directions and paths.
The male is called Sama’el,
his female is always included within him.
Just as it is on the side of holiness,
so it is on the other side:
male and female embracing one another.
The female of Sama’el is called Serpent,
Woman of Whoredom ,
End of All Flesh, End of Days.
Two evil spirits joined together:
the spirit of the male is subtle;
the spirit of the female is diffused in many ways and paths
but joined to the spirit of the male.
She bedecks herself with all kinds of jewelry
like an abhorent prostitute posing on the corner to seduce men.
The fool who approches her–
she grabs him and kisses him , [Prov. 7:13]
pours him wine from the dregs, from the venom of vipers.
As soon as he drinks, he strays after her.
Seeimg him stray from the path of truth,
she strips herself of all her finery that she dangled before that fool,
her adornments for seducing men:
her hair all arranged, red as a rose,
her face white and red,
six trinkets dangling from her ears,
her bed covered with fabric from Egypt,
on her neck all the jewels of the East,
her mouth poised, a delicate opening,
what lovely trappings!
The tongue pointed like a sword,
her words smooth like oil,
her lips beautiful, red as a rose,
sweet with all the sweeetness of the world.
She is dressed in purple,
adorned with forty adornments minus one.

This fool follows her, drinks from the cup of wine,
fornicates with her, deviates after her.
What does she do?
She leaves him sleeping in bed.
She ascends, denounces him, obtains permission, and descends.
That fool wakes up and plans to play with her as before.
But she removes her decorations
and turns into a powerful warrior confronting him.
Arrayed in armor of flashing fire,
his awesome terror vibrates the victim’s body and soul.
He is full of fearsome eyes;
in his hand a sharp-edged sword drips bitter drops.
He kills that fool and flings him into hell.

Jacob descended to her, went straight to her abode,
as it is said: and he set out for Haran.
He saw all the trappings of her house
and was saved from her.
Her mate, Sama’el, was offended
and swooped down to wage war
but could not overcome him,
as it is written:
And a man wrested with him… (Gen. 32:25)

Now he was saved and perfected,
raised to a perfect sphere and called Israel.
He attained a high rung, total perfection!
He became the central pillar, of whom it is written:
The center bar in the middle of the planks shall run from end to end (Exo. 26:28) ( Matt83 :76-79 f)

Zohar 2:267b
And that spirit which is called Asirta becomes stirred up…and goes to the female who is beneath all females. And she is Lilith the mother of demons. And a man may become stirred up by that evil spirit called Asirta, which attaches himself to that man and ties himself to him permanently. And on every New Moon that spirit of evil appearance becomes stirred up by Lilith, and at time that man suffers harm from the spirit, and falls to the ground and cannot get up, or even dies.

Bacharach, ‘Emeq haMelekh, 19c
And behold, the harsh husk, that is Lilith, is always in the sheet of the bed of a man and a woman who copulate, in order to take the sparks of the drops of seed which go waste, because it cannot be without this, and she creates from them demons, spirits and Lilin . And there is an incantation to drive away Lilith from the bed and to bring forth holy souls, which is mentioned in the holy Zohar.

Zohar 3:19a
The remedy against Lilith is this: In that hour in which a man copulates with his wife, he should concentrate in his head on the holiness of his Master and say this:
O you who are wrapped in velvet,
You have appeared!
Release, release!
Neither come nor go!
Neither you nor yours!
Go back, go back!
The sea is raging,
Its waves call you,
I hold on to the Holy One,
Wrap myself in the King’s holiness.
Then let him cover his head and his wife for one hour, and do thus each time for three days of the receiving. For a grafting which is not received within three days will not be received at all. But in the book which Ashmodai gave to King Solomon it says for thirty days, and it says that after he finished the act he should sprinkle clear water around the couch.

Bacharach, ‘Emeq haMelekh, 102d-103a 
The Alien Woman is Lilith, and she is the sweetness of sin and the evil tongue. And from the lips of the Alien Woman honey flows. And although the Impure Female has no hands and feet for copulation, for the feet of the serpent were cut off, nevertheless the Female in her adornments looks as if she had hands and feet. And it is the mystery of her adornments that she can seduce men … And she leaves the husband of her youth [Samael] and descends and fornicates with men who sleep below in the impurity of spontaneous emission, and from them are born demons and spirits and Lilin, and they are called the Sons of Man.”

Zohar 1:54b-55a
R. Yitzhaq said: From the hour in which Cain killed Abel, Adam separated himself from his wife, [and] two female spirits came and copulated with him, and he begot spirits and demons which roam in the world. And this should not be difficult for you [to understand], for when a man dreams, female spirits come and play with him and get hot from him and thereafter bear [those demons] which are called the Plagues of Mankind. And they turn into a likeness of men, but they have no hair on their head…. And in a similar manner male spirits come to the women of this world who become pregnant from them and give birth to spirits and all of them are called Plagues of Mankind. After 130 years Adam clothed himself in zeal and had union with his wife and begot a son and called his name Seth.”

– Alan Humm, Lilith – Compiled Works

Mesopotamian Society and “The Watchers”


“The Garden (Eden) there spoken of was Babylon “The gate of the gods” (New Babylon -> Nimrod etc.) as the name means. Babylon surrounded by high walls was indeed a garden in the strict sense of the word for it was large enough to hold agricultural grounds as well as houses. Into this garden the gods (Elohim) took the proletarians or “forerunners of the gods” on probation, to make “like us.” The Serpent priest or Satan/Lucifer warned them they would only be slaves. (The Pharaoh of Egypt was called a Dragon, Ezekial 29:3, and the soldiers of the Pharaoh were called Dragons.) Thus it may be easily seen why the children of Israel were prone to worship the Serpent, the emblem of the gods from whence they came.” – Henry Binkley Stein

“The early Israelites were mostly sun worshipers. And even in later times, the sun god, Baal, divided with Jehovah the worship of the Jews. Solomon’s worship included not merely the worship of Jehovah, but that of Baal and other gods … Most of the Israelites certainly saw no harm in these ornaments.” – John E. Remsberg

“That there was in progress a great colonizing movement by the gods (Watchers) is evidenced by the names of the countries of Europe. Each European country has an El derivitive name. This deserves more research. We shall enumerate some of them: Belgium, Alle-mania, Angel-land, Gaul or Gael, Kel or Caledonia, Val or Vals and its reverse Slave, possibly from the Runic language; Italy from the word Atlas(synonym for Lucifer); Palestine from the word Pales the god of pasture lands; Illyria, Wallencia, and so forth.” – Henry Binkley Stein

– originally cited by Illumination XXX